Who We Are
Our vision is to equip people to find their place in God’s Kingdom. God can provide our value, identity, significance and purpose. God desires for each person and church family to experience an abundant, fruitful and joy-filled life. This process was modeled for us by Jesus, who made disciples whom in turn, made disciples. We seek to be discipled through the power of God’s Holy Spirit so that we may make disciple makers. As stated, “The gospel came to you on it’s way to someone else.”
Our mission takes us on a journey of 1. Finding Your Place in God’s Kingdom, 2. Experiencing How God’s Kingdom is Different, 3. Trusting God’s Kingdom, 4. Finding Your Value and Identity in God’s Kingdom and 5. Finding Your Purpose in God’s Kingdom. Each step, or module, is taken with a disciple group which is specifically exclusive to fellow sisters or brothers learning to follow Jesus together. In this process of intentional spiritual growth, we will learn to love God completely, love self correctly and make disciple makers through the power of God’s Holy Spirit.